台灣_聞思修 系列佛法課程
◎講師Speaker / Hazlitt Eiler Krog
來自美國的Hazlitt Eiler Krog研讀及修持佛法已近25年,啓蒙於一位美國知名佛法老師,並在其教導下學習了三年。此訓練幫助他在1991年強有力地銜接上真實不曾間斷的藏傳佛教傳承法脈,並於紐約市接受尊貴的 達賴喇嘛的時輪金剛灌頂。接下來的十多年,Hazlitt於尊貴的 達賴喇嘛跟前接受加持、面授、灌頂及教法,並依止過許多其他知名的西藏佛法大師們的佛法薰陶,包含薩迦法王。 2002年時,Hazlitt遇見西藏的偉大禪修大師及學者-尊貴的法尊卓千堪布 闕噶仁波切,並立即認出仁波切就是他的根本上師。自那一刻起,Hazlitt參與仁波切所舉辦過三十個以上的正式閉關,合計閉關時間長達兩年。此外,Hazlitt與仁波切一同至亞洲各聖地朝聖長達數月,直接協助仁波切在北美區域的佛行事業,同時為仁波切主辦北美區域的巡迴講法。其中最殊勝的是參與『佛道』的編輯與修訂。 Hazlitt於2008年獲得卓千堪布 闕噶仁波切授權,得以教授佛法基本正見,宣講『佛道』,並賜予法名-烏波薩卡菩薩-貝瑪法卓多傑,正式成為佛法老師。 從那時起,Hazlitt全心從事佛法巡迴講課,足跡橫誇北美,共計超過300堂的公開講法,利益一切有因緣之有情。Hazlitt的講法溫暖且不拘泥任何形式,洞察教法深刻,擅長對談式教授,並整合禪修指導以及佛法音樂歌曲創作。 2012年7月間,Hazlitt在卓千堪布 闕噶仁波切授權之下,圓滿成就於美國尤金大圓滿吉祥獅子閉關中心8天7夜的夏季閉關,擔任主講老師。 成為佛法老師前, 畢業於Fredonia紐約州立大學,專修音樂、錄影、影片製作。曾創立並成功經營兩個網路代理公司,主要協助包含前五百大企業的公司開發經營。除了多年從事音樂創作及編曲作詞、攝影編輯、多媒體及網路製作,他同時也是事業開發及專案經理人、發言人。他亦是青少年攝影彩色專業叢書 “Attack of the Killer Video Book Take 2: Tips and Tricks for Young Directors. ”的作者。 Hazlitt發願要揉合佛法及音樂,讓更多有緣的有情們於淺移默化中學習佛法、思惟佛法、證悟佛法而成就佛果,得到真正的快樂! 詳情請參閱他的個人網頁http://www.pathbuddha.com
◎課程翻譯Interpreter / Tina
‧How to get the results you want~How to make your wishes come true
‧日期-時間Date-Time:2013/1/20(日)Sun 2:00pm-5:00pm
‧地點Place:台北市文山區秀明路二段92巷9號1樓 / 1F, No.9, Ln92, Sec.2, SauMing Rd., Wenshan, Taipei, Taiwan
‧The purpose of taking Refuge~The real meaning and motivation of Bodhicitta
‧日期-時間Date-Time:2013/1/27(日)Sun 9:30am-12:30am
‧地點Place:台北市文山區秀明路二段92巷9號1樓 / 1F, No.9, Ln92, Sec.2, SauMing Rd., Wenshan, Taipei, Taiwan
‧主辦單位Organizer:台灣如來光明佛學會Taiwan Tathagata Bright Buddhist Institute
‧連絡人Contact:林師兄Vajra sister-Lin 0910-389-606 / 黃師兄Vajra sister-Huang 0920-651-575
‧日期-時間Date-Time:2013/1/24(四)Thu 2:00pm-3:30pm
‧日期-時間Date-Time:2013/2/21(四)Thu 2:00pm-3:30pm
‧日期-時間Date-Time:2013/1/29(二)Tue 10:00am-5:00pm
‧連絡人Contact:阿瑪師 0934-128-085 / Tina 0922-480-974
‧E-mail:tinatungtwn@gmail.com ◎Speaker / Hazzlitt Eiler Krog
American-born Hazlitt Eiler Krog has studied and practiced Buddhism for 25 years. His journey began with three years of study under a well-known teacher of American Buddhism. This training helped prepare him to powerfully connect with the lineages of authentic unbroken Tibetan Buddhism starting in 1991 when he received the Kalachakra Initiation conferred by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in New York City. For more than a decade after that, he received many blessings, meetings, empowerments, and teachings from His Holiness and many other renowned Tibetan Buddhist masters, including Sogyal Rinpoche. In 2002, Hazlitt met Tibetan-born meditation master and scholar, His Holiness Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche. He immediately recognized Rinpoche as his root teacher. Since that time Hazlitt has participated in over 30 formal residential retreats totaling two years with Rinpoche, plus many months spent with him outside of retreat on pilgrimage in Asia and directly assisting him with North American teaching tours and Dharma activities including composition and editing of The Buddha Path. In 2008, Hazlitt was authorized to teach the foundational principles of Buddhism by Rinpoche under the title Upasaka Bodhisattva Pema Bhadra Dorje, Dharma Teacher of The Buddha Path. Since that time, Hazlitt has spent a total of two years engaged in Dharma teaching tours throughout North America and offered over 300 sessions of teachings. He is known for his warm and informal teaching style, incorporating guided mediations, insightful teachings, dialog, and Dharma music. Hazlitt graduated from SUNY Fredonia with a Bachelor of Arts degree titled “Music, Video and Film Production.” Prior to becoming a Dharma teacher, he started and ran two successful Internet agencies that served startups and the Fortune 500. Over the years has worked as a musician and songwriter, videographer and editor, multimedia and web producer, business developer and project manager, public speaker, and author. He is co-author of the colorful children’s book, “Attack of the Killer Video Book Take 2: Tips and Tricks for Young Directors.” Hazlitt aspires through all stages of production and performance of music which is full of the insight wisdom of Buddha's teaching, he can introduce and benefit more and more beings in this world-- in order to let them imperceptibly learn, contemplate and meditate on Dharma, find the true happiness! Please refer the detail at: http://www.pathbuddha.com
‧時間:4月5日 中午12:30
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